Thursday 14 February 2013

2013 - a new beginning?

14th Feb 2013

Though it has only been 2 months in the year 2013, its feels like I've already live the year up to December. 

Mainly, is because of the activities and hectic day to day schedule which makes the weeks fly by. Suddenly its already February!

In any case, this year was supposed to comprise a list of achievements. So far, I have crossed a few and added a few things on the list of things to achieve this year. 

Which brings me to this moment. The moment where I just got out from a breakup and my car is in the workshop, waiting for the repairs to finish. 

Having met with an accident, most of my days are spent at my bachelor pad. Instead of me visiting friends, its now their turn to come over to my crib :p

Likewise, comes the boredom and loneliness. Frustrated from my breakup and quite determined to move on - is where this post is crafted.

Considering the fact that it will be weeks more until my car is fixed, this is a good time for me to keep my blog updated with whatever posts I have drafted in my Blackberry. 

-My 2 Cents-

Raya for the people

Raya dah semakin dekat. Puasa pun tinggal berapa hari je nih..ada baiknya kita discuss pasal benda yang kita semua ada knowledge dan boleh share sama2...

Balik kampung & Car maintenance

Aku assume semua dah bijak pandai dalam bab nih. Harap jangan malas nak check minyak hitam. 2 perkara yang perlu diperhatikan

1 > Level minyak hitam. Bila tarik je lidi panjang fr the engine tengok level minyak. Kalau rendah bermakna kena top up. Kalau tak ingat jenis minyak hitam, beli je minyak semi-synthetic (apa2 brand pun takpe, janji semi syn). Logiknya kalau minyak hitam dah kurang bermakna dah pekat dan byk residue dalam enjin. Kalau beli yang biasa (range harga RM30-RM50) punya takut x lasting. Buat enjin berat je sbb x membantu lubrication.

2 > Kepekatan minyak hitam. Kalau boleh, cuba bau and rasa pasir kat dalam minyak dengan jari. Kotor jari sikit takpe. Nanti basuh hilang lah. Kalau byk sangat pasir pastu kaler pun hitam je bermakna kena servis.

Selain drpd tu, macam biasalah.
  • bateri / air bateri
  • tyre pressure - kalau nak long distance kurangkan angin from the normal pressure by 1 or 2kPa
  • brake lights + rear lights
  • hazard lights
  • head lamp
  • wiper
  • air cond + gas
  • spare tyre + tools utk tukar tayar (lagi bagus kalau ada extra hazard light)
  • PLUS Line : 1800 88 0000 dan important phone numbers
  • kalau ada contact call-man yg korang kenal sila lah bawak name card dia atau terus simpan dalam hp. Ada satu mamat cina ni yg tolong aku before tol Tg Malim. Nama dia Andy - 012 6356696. Helpful gila. Siap belanja aku breakfast lagi. Kalau keta breakdown / eksiden kat PLUS highway dia boleh tolong. KL to south aku takde cable/member. Mungkin sesapa nak share boleh post kat sini.

For the caffeine, glucose and nicotine junkies, jangan OD (overdose) kan diri anda dengan kopi/rokok/red bull/ livita dan sewaktu dgnnya.

kopi : stimulant. Kalau byk sgt nanti takleh concentrate. Aku lebih rekemen kopi kesihatan mcm kopi jantan / tongkat ali dsb. Mcm nescafe tu sgt kuat caffeine dia, x elok utk buah pinggang dan hati. Kalau boleh tahan takpelah.

red bull / livita etc : energy drink. High sugar content. Tak elok bagi orang yg high sugar/colestrol/high blood. especially kalau empunya diri dah exhausted. Lebih baik tido. Gerak bila dah fresh. Lagi berbaloi2 dari nak minum bertin2 livita.

100 plus / gatorade etc : isotonic drink. Kalau dah berpeluh2 macam lepas futsal takpelah sbb nak ganti garam dalam badan. Setakat traveling satu botol kecik pun dah memadai. Silap2 x abis pun.

minum air yang banyak utk mengelakkan dehydration. Kalau rasa2 tanak stop utk toilet maka kurangkan minum air.

rokok : utk golongan yang merokok, sila lah kurangkan esp masa memandu. Pendapat aku setakat sebatang dua tu ok lagi. Kalau dah masuk ke-4 atau ke-5 elok lah stop kejap. Kalau dah expert macam Ken Block atau Colin McRae takpe..

Aku x familiar dgn speed trap zones dkt PLUS / major highway - sapa2 ada info boleh share...yg aku tau skrg ni malam pun diorg dah boleh detect sbb wujudnya infra red speed detector. Still need confirmation on that tho.

Apart from that

Kalau tayar pancit / eksiden / breakdown sila berhenti di tepi highway (emergency lane) dan berdiri di belakang divider (termasuk passengers skali). Tunggu PLUS ronda datang dengan Ford Ranger - biar diorg yang tukar tayar / check apa problem keta.
**PLUS Ronda yang bagak dan berlampu kelip2 pun kena langgar dgn kereta lain dkt highway, so harap berhati2 bila parking kat emergency lane. Jgn lupa hazard light**

More tips and tricks to come. Stay tuned.

-my 2 cents-

Wednesday 23 February 2011

2011 - moving forward

Life has changed much for myself for the past 2 years since my last post. I have a total of 8 blogs. Had to do a count to realize this. Fuh~~

Hoping that my number of readers has increased in the past few years, I am glad to announce that I have more ideas for my blog and also I believe that my typing and vocab + grammar has much increased in the past year. Working in HP Cyberjaya really bumped up my skills...heh.

After being in the dark for so long, I finally feel that I am slowly coming out of it. 1 year of working has improved my motivation, self esteem and focus. Right now the mission is making 2011 the year of redemption.

I do feel guilty of being "out of range" since I needed the space and time to recuperate. But catching up to people now made me realize where I stand now in life. Comparing myself to those who are already married, married with kids, and still single - helps me put myself in a better perspective as to where I should be heading and what I should be achieving.

Despite the hideous tragedy in my past, I am pretty much the same person, only I feel "seasoned" inside. Having so much information, knowledge, and wisdom to share with others. Most times I have so much to say but I only have one i'll probably end up saying half of what I actually want to say.

But in any case, I have now figured out how to use my blog accounts according to what I want to post. Yup, as in I just figured it out by the time I started this paragraph,

So keep yourself tuned to,....

my 2 cents

Getting back to the blogging mode

I have so many blog accounts its just hard to decide which blog to actually concentrate on
But anyways...after a long time of not logging in to my blogspot blog - which is my first actual blog site (I don't consider friendster blog much of a blog site since friendster is a social networking tool and I don't login that account so often).

Anyways, I do have so many things in my mind that I would like to share with the peoplc around me. Realizing that my last post was so long ago, getting back to the blogging mode seems so difficult when I'm actually in front of my PC.

Actually now I'm sitting on my sofa watching Resident Evil Afterlife. Well not really watching just want some background sound to work.

Likewise, I find that blogspot has better features and are more customizable. I can only compare with Wordpress since I only have 2 so far. The new ones I added was a new account / URL on my wordpress account and created myself a Skyrock account to blog from my blackberry. Yeah I have a blackberry now and it is so on. I will write a post on that one.

Now since that's out of my mind I can now start with an ice-breaking post. Enjoy ~~

Friday 25 September 2009

Mafia Wars-a-holic

Addicted to Mafia Wars?

At first I was not playing it seriously. I'd login my FB account everyday, but just to check on my friends and put in a few comments on my friend's status. If I had time, I'll check on my Mafia Wars account, do a few jobs, fight a few mafias, collect property takes etc etc - the normal stuff and if there were nothing interesting left to do I'd log out.

The enthusiasm started quite low for me. It was later that it started picking up. In a day I would login at least 3 times, checking my friends status' and posts, and afterwards Mafia Wars until I finish all my energy and stamina.

As I had experience using cheats on other games before this, it crossed my mind if there were any cheats or tricks to play this game.

To my surprise, there were cheats and effective tricks available. The first trick was to add friends to your FB account. The only problem is where to find them - which I will explain later.

Being the curious me, I checked under top families and discovered that there are players with ridiculous levels. And these players had their names spelled differently. I googled the names and it turns out that some of them were bots by Zynga to test the game for bugs.

Of course that information did not intrigue me well enough. It was when I found that there were players posting there names here and it was just a matter of adding them to your friends list. I started adding all of them to my friends list, until I managed to increase my mafia size from 98 to 195 in one night!

Back to adding friends - my friends list increased so fast that facebook had to slow me down - a pink box appeared saying that I'm adding my friends too fast and a CAPTCHA would require me to enter the text I see in the box.

My account froze several times because I was heavily adding and receiving friend requests at such short time.

*This is one of Facebook's security measure to avoid spamming.

But my search did not end there. I found out that there are bots available for MW Geeks, but so far I have only tested the demo version. Have yet to find a cracked version of that.

Anyways, the result was uncontrollable status updates from all my mafia. Every second there would be a new post. Since I was accustomed to use several browsers and windows, my guess that it had caused my account to slow down pretty bad until all my outgoing and incoming conn stopped. Haha. Talk about hard core. Finally had to restart my pc.

Now?the fight goes on. Status updates are uncontrollable. I have to run FB on 3 or 4 browsers. Sometimes more.

Level bukan tinggi pun. But coming soon....he he he....

my 2 cents.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Faster faster fasting...

Faster faster fasting
Faster faster raya
Faster faster work

We are zombies of the modern world. Kinda reminds me of the movie Matrix. The whole human race serves as batteries for the huge machines ruling the world. Only, in real life we have actual people managing whatever we see around us.

For instance - when its school holidays, you will notice the sudden silence in the mornings when you're traveling to work. When I start to wonder what happened to the traffic, the first thing that crosses my mind would be this fact.

Everyday when we step outside our house to head for work. Some of us are still in 'zombie' mode, until we get the nicotine fix we normally have. For some, they just can't function without their coffee.


We are a victim of clockwork timing.

1. Stalls. Every corner of every street. There are stalls everywhere! KL Sentral (ke central?), Masjid Jamek, Maju Junction, Chow Kit. Not that I am annoyed by them, but makes me wonder if there are so many stalls, can the 'ramadhan market' really cater these stalls? *wonder wonder*. Well, this only proves that we are a wealthy society. Who says we don't have money to spend even with the price hike of so many provisions.

2. Chicks with face masks. Dammit! I hate those awkward glances. Just because they are wearing a face mask, gives them the 'license' to stare mean-fully. Then we have the not-so-hot-chicks giving the don't-look-at-me looks. This face mask thing is really bugging me, because I don't see the H1N1 awareness in them. Preventing an epidemic vs license to stare awkwardly. Tapi macam mana pun kena pakai jugak.... Haih~

3. Param. For those who are not familiar with Bangsar's param location, it is located right across Masjid Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. The lorong beside the car dealer.Every year is the same stuff. Mahal pulak tu. My only favourite 'juadah berbuka' would be the murtabak from Din Murtabak. Red and white logo. Cheap, really delicious and fast. Other than that, just the normal food. Oh and don't go on Sundays because the param would clash with Bangsar's pasar malam (palam ke?)...

For param junkies, the awesome locations would be SS19 Subang Jaya, Titwangsa, Sect 13 Shah Alam (near the stadium), Kg Baru. This list might need to be updated, since these are the few params known for years and yet to be surpassed.

In Shah Alam, every year there will be some stall trying to outdo the others. No kidding. They either sell at a cheaper price or have some weird but delicious food / drink. I remember there was a special mixture which were selling really cheap, if my memory serves me correctly the ingredients were laicikang + mixed fruits (laici, mata kucing, nata de coco etc etc) + concoction of several cordials. The result, a magnificent combustion of sweet and sour right in your mouth. Yes, that drink is so awesome.... (ter'drool' kejap).

The list goes on, but that's what makes me think what kind of society we are. A society of trends, with clock work timing. Every day of the year is a day for some kind of 'change', but meant only for that certain period of time. I guess that is the reason why Islam in our country has become a 'budaya' instead of being an actual religion. Same applies to our Friday prayers, fasting month, Raya celebrations, and the list goes on.

Ok guys, gotta go edi. If you're bored to the bones, my other blogs are here. Kill your time away..

Just my 2 cents.